Winter Photos Part Three: People and Animals
The one and only winter animal pictures: We were hiking and stopped to take a break. The chickadee that you see in this photo did not just land there voluntarily, we were feeding it gronola bars.
A picture of my brother and his friend snowshoeing, which we did in Avalanche Pass with a big group of us. (Still in Lake Placid) *disclaimer: I may or may not have taken this one, I don't really remember*
My cousins walking down a trail together.
You can tell how deep the snow is in this picture by looking at his left leg.
My younger brother.
My adorable cousins.
My younger brother.
My adorable cousins.
My brother helping my cousin out of a snowdrift. I love this picture because it is so cute and they had no idea I was taking it!
My dad looks like a model for The North Face or something in this picture!
Sorry this one was so late!! I was very busy this past week! I will post an extra blog to make up for it!